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Keeping up with the dragonflies Honours student tracks insects to learn about migration By: Martin Zeilig If you’ve wondered how scientists track the migration patterns of dragonflies, they use tiny transmitters that are glued to the insect’s bellies. From the roof of the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre, Ashley Pidwerbesky knows that somewhere out there […]
Although the marsh is frozen for most of the winter, there are still quite a few activities that allow visitors to enjoy and explore the wonderful world of wetlands and discover what creatures call this place home.
Recording the arrival of the first Canada Goose spotted at Oak Hammock Marsh every Spring has been an annual tradition since 1994. In 1998 the first goose contest was created as a fun way for visitors to guess when the first goose would arrive.
When to feed birds, what to feed them and what kinds of feeders work best.